Monday, January 28, 2008

Who's it gonna be?

Politically speaking that is.
I do know this; none of these Republican, spineless, Ronnie Reagan-idolizing, shumucks should have a ice cube's chance in Hell.
Please, if Limbaugh (bloviating fool, that he is) can't find a silver lining with this post-Bush crop of disasters. What hope do they have?

Bush & Palpatine (nee, Cheney) have screwed the pooch so bad, that they destroyed their own party. WOW!
Those two are only successful in failure. Every single policy they've set up has been a disaster.
Social Security is the only thing they tried to screw with and didn't, cause the "Boomers" still know how to read and bend the ear of their representatives.
Amazing. They would've destroyed the whole program before Bush left office. Wall Street is all f'd up today, and they would've took S.S. down with them.
Amazing this dope got a second term. But its important that he did, because the bonehead populace would've forgot what he's accountable for and blamed everything on John Kerry.
Then we would really be up shits creek in 2009.

I stand by what I said when states were in such a hurry to move up their primaries, and close the book on this so-called administration.
That all these Democratic contenders should band together and take positions in a dream team type of administration. There is plenty (PLENTY!!) of shit to fix.

I would love for Obama to be president. A black president would go light-years long regarding our bad image with the Persian world. Maybe. Its a nice thought, even moreso that he's clean of any improprieties and involvement of the evil D.C. and foreign power prokers.
That for only the second time on my lifetime social & political progress is actually within reach.

Bill Clinton was great to have around, but he blew it when he got caught getting blown.
And we lost Al Gore because of it.

Hilary wouldn't be the end of the world, and John Edwards brings plenty to the table.
I may vote for him in the 02/05 primary just to have him continue educating the masses on the points no one else is bringing up cause of all the pissing matches going on.

Costly distractions that they are.

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