Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Episode '08: A New Hope or The New Screw?

Its fun to call Dick Cheney "Darth Vader", but its not accurate.
As the canon dictates, Vader once was a good man. Was once a idealistic boy.
He was misled and corrupted and the "good" in him dashed.

I don't think Cheney ever had good in him (prove me wrong). Methinks him as a creature of insidious habit and motivation (I defy you to prove me wrong). This makes him Palpatine, no question.

By no means does this make Bush Jr. Darth Vader, he lacks both the strength and the vision. Simply put, he is merely General Grievous. A placeholder.
He couldn't make it through the Texas National Guard, theres no way he could become a "Darth"!

Rumsfeld is Count Douku, or Darth Tyrannus if you prefer.

Which brings us to the current crop of upstarts; those who seek power to spread peace & order throughout the republic, or to continue to strengthen a dark empire.

Hilary Clinton? Leia? Maybe 20 years ago. Today she is more like Mon Mothma.
Barack Obama comes off as one part Luke Skywalker & one part Han Solo.
I can't tell if there's any Lando in there at all. Not yet, anyway.

And McCain? Greedo. No question about it.